A Christ-Centered Pathway to Recovery


The 3Thirds Discipleship Training Curriculum is a simple and effective method of multiplying disciples and churches that is modeled after the commands of Christ as we read in Matthew 28:18-20. It is a disciple-making movement that is easily reproducible. Combined, there are over 2 million groups around the world.

Men are provided spiritual growth tools and discipleship coupled with practical living strategies to help them find their unique calling and to prepare for their field of mission wherever God calls them to serve. This process is done in a timeframe that does not overwhelm men who are adjusting to a new life in a new way but understands where they come from, where they are emotionally and spiritually, and walks alongside them in their spiritual journey for a minimum of 12 consecutive months.

Month 1
R.I.C.O. (Radical. Immediate. Costly. Obedience.) – Be a Disciple Worth Reproducing
3Thirds Worksheet – more details on how to hold a 3Thirds Study =>> HERE.

M.A.W.L. Training Cycle 

Month 2
Testimony Training

Month 3
Duckling Discipleship
Jonathan Vision
Jonathan Story

Month 4
How to Defend the Gospel – R.A.M.P.

Month 5
Self-feeding (Part 1 of 2) – Reading the Word and Prayer
Self-feeding (Part 2 of 2) – Body Life and Persecution
Multiplication Chains – Joining Two Groups

Month 6
S.O.A.P.S. Journaling

Month 7
Prayer Wheel
Prayer Cycle Introduction

Month 8
C.H.A.T. Group

Month 9
Stewardship of Relationships
List of 100
Eyes to see where the Kingdom isn’t / Looking for the Person of Peace

Month 10
Baptism – How to prepare someone for baptism

Month 11

Month 12
Prayer Walking – BLESS prayer