A Celebration of True Transformation: Join Us On This Mission Inside and Outside the Prison System

At Freedom Lake Ministries, we are dedicated to helping men overcome substance abuse and break the cycle of recidivism. By introducing them to Jesus and guiding them to discover their identity in Christ, we empower them to experience His transformative power. Together, we can help them break free from the chains that bind them so they can live lives of freedom and newfound purpose.

Join us in this mission—donate now through October 31, 2024, and be part of their journey toward healing and redemption.


“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

Freedom Lake Ministries, a Christ-centered Section 501(c)(3) public charity, is dedicated to assisting men in breaking free from entrenched patterns of addiction and the revolving door of the prison system by nurturing a transformative relationship with Jesus Christ. Through our discipleship programs, men discover a spiritual pathway to recovery and uncover their greater purpose: to become Jesus’ disciples who train and disciple others. We delve into the root causes of substance abuse, recognizing it as a symptom of deeper heart issues, not the core problem. Participants confront these issues by engaging in discipleship studies that deepen their understanding of God’s Word and guide them towards finding healing in Christ.

Through Christ-centered discipleship, participants transition from recovery to true freedom beyond recovery. This transformative journey empowers them to confront worldly temptations, experience profound transformation, and discover a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment. Recognizing that abusing drugs and alcohol signifies deeper heart issues, our approach guides individuals to surrender to Christ for lasting change.

Freedom Lake Ministries has a three-phase discipleship pathways process:

We believe that Christ can change the desires of our hearts and serenity can be found in a life of service to the furthering of His Kingdom. Tony and Kim Cash – the Founders of Freedom Lake – knew there needed to be a place where men can come to deepen their relationship with Christ to break free of the strongholds that bind him so all who come here can experience a life in Christ that was always intended for them.

God gave Tony Cash the vision for Freedom Lake while he himself was incarcerated. Today, Tony disciples men so they can walk in a life of true purpose and freedom.

Freedom Lake Discipleship Training


The Discipleship Training
Beginning in a Kentucky halfway house, we initiate discipleship training.

Freedom Lake Discipleship Dorm


The Discipleship Dorm
 Inside the facility, the discipleship dorm fosters leadership and growth.

Freedom Lake Discipleship Lodge


The Discipleship Experience
Upon release, qualified men continue their faith journey tuition-free.

Discipleship LIVING PLAN

The discipleship living plan provides each student with weekly, individual and group training. An individualized plan is developed, building on the student’s unique strengths, and addressing specific needs. Spiritual growth coupled with practical living strategies is implemented to help students find their unique calling and prepare for their field of mission wherever God calls them to serve.






We disciple thousands to seek the dozens and equip them to become active disciple makers and trainers of disciple makers who will reach the thousands in the harvest of unchanged lives. (2 Timothy 2:2)

As followers of Christ, our unified mission is to be disciples who make disciples who make disciples.

our method, model, and focus are different

To succeed at Freedom Lake men must fully commit to continue growing spiritually, ready to live in the freedom of who God created them to be. Through our discipleship program, men are prepared to be freed from the bondage of substance and alcohol abuse or other life-controlling issues and equipped to do the work God has called them to do. Through Obedience-based Discipleship, these men complete their training at the Discipleship Training Center prepared and equipped to be a disciple who multiplies.

The Full Package of Discipleship

The Freedom Lake Discipleship Lodge provides men with a dedicated curriculum focused on educating, inspiring, and empowering Christian discipleship that further communicates the lasting transformation that students experience through disciple making efforts.

To learn more about Freedom Lake and ways to support our mission, click on the Learn More button now.